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Ignition for South Summit 2016 in:
LA N@VE 5-7 OCTOBER 2016 M A D R I D

2016 Program

This year we aim to take deep dives into everything from Health to Fashion, Food to Fintech or Energy to Edtech.

See Full Program Schedule

Below is the outline of our programme by track


Power Flows: Democratising the financial sector

To be truly innovative many banks need a dramatic corporate culture shift with an entire new set of incentives to make it work. Is this possible? Is it necessary? Are banks simply a ticking time bomb that has already been triggered? Do innovators in this space want or need to collaborate? What do financial flows look like in 10yrs? What is the next wave of disruptive technologies?

  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies
  • Payments & Peer2Peer
  • Productivity
  • Insurance
  • Personal Finance & Retail Banking
  • Customisation & the impact of Big Data, AI, VR


Fashion! Turn to the left!

From Big Data to Virtual Reality technology is eating up the world of fashion changing the way we dress, shop, and express ourselves. In this track we explore ways in which we can leverage technology to bring huge efficiencies to the industry. Are large fashion houses and big brands catching up to the tech innovators? How are our needs, trends and preferences evolving with an endless array of channels and platforms by which to connect with the industry? How is Big Data influencing creativity? And how will this impact the industry?

  • Lifestyle design & experiential products
  • Creativity and the role of Big Data, AI, Design and Trends
  • Tech on the high street, the omnichannel approach
  • Platforms & Distribution the rise of the etailer
  • Smarts & Wearables


The Automation of Industry

What is the impact of full connectivity, smart machines and AI on industry? The industrial revolution saw the beginning of task automation and optimisation, how much further can we go considering the opportunities with IoT & AI? How will we define competitive advantage? Product design v´s efficiency?

  • Robotics
  • Smart supply chains
  • IIoT & The connected factory
  • Distribution
  • The role of Big Data, AI & VR

The Era of Ubiquitous Energy

Electric cars, IoT, AI are moving us towards an unlimited connected world but what is the fuel that will power it? Innovations in renewable energy are increasing dramatically to the point where the ideal of abundant energy is everyday closer to being within reach. Considering the greatest innovations in renewable energy how are we going to implement them fast and make them available to everybody? Why has it taken us so long to get this technology to market?

  • Renewables
  • Waste recovery
  • Batteries & NRG Storage
  • Smart cities & Smart citizens
  • The Impact of Big Data, AI, & loT


The Race To Immortality

In the next 50 years life expectancy is set to increase by 20 years to 120. What are the technologies that are going to get us there? What is the importance of diagnosis v´s prevention v´s treatment? Finding cures v´s changing lifestyles & education? What will be the effect on healthcare systems today? What role will Pharmaceutical companies play? Cosmetic companies? Careers? Education? What are the greatest breakthroughs in biotech today that are forcing us to rethink health?

  • Aging, Immortality & NanotechnologyWearables & Body Hacks
  • Big Data, AI, IoT, VR, Robotics
  • Medical Devices
  • Synthetic Biology & DNA Sequencing


Getting to Omnipresence

Our work, our cities, our travel, and logistics are changing dramatically allowing us to move more seamlessly and efficiently. Electric cars, high speed trains and drones are changing the face of the city and how we move. ICT and communication technologies are changing the way we work and connect. What will be the impact on the world of logistics? With mobile technologies now more mature than ever why are we still struggling with last mile and failing to make ecommerce frictionless?

  • Smart Mobility
  • The car of the future
  • Omnipresence: Breaking the distance with ICT
  • The 4th Lane & Frontier Tech
  • Logistics & the distribution of everything


Cooking The Food-Tech Revolution

With world population due to hit 9bn people by 2050 our agricultural and food production practices must change radically to be able to provide for this level of population growth. Who are the game changers today that will feed the world tomorrow? How will we experience and consume in the future? Food as a necessity V´s pleasure.

After disrupting e-commerce, apps and our day-to-day lives, the ‘Illuminati’ of disruptive innovation want to play with our food. Venture capital firms, Business Angels, football players and world leaders are investing in gastro-projects. But it is not only a boom in restaurants or kitchens, but a wave of startups that are being perceived in the food industry as the next big business on the planet.

  • Food Hacking & Nutrition
  • Smart Agriculture: Sensoring & Data
  • The Kitchen of The Future & GastroBots
  • Internet of Food: Fast delivery, safety & supply
  • Brewing the bar of the future


Today´s learning for tomorrow´s skills

We are living through a 4th Industrial Revolution which is creating disruption in how industries and labour markets work. How does our educational system need to change to prepare us for the future? How can technology help us to learn more and distribute knowledge more effectively? With advancement in devices, digitization of content, and the emergence of AI we now have within reach the possibility of access to education for everyone everywhere with the power to create a customized learning experience for all students. What is the impact on effectiveness of learning? What are the new market opportunities that are emerging and how can traditional institutions compete or keep up?

  • Classrooms on demand
  • Big Data & Customized Learning
  • Simulation & Gamification
  • Learning, Life & Career Accelerators


Has “traditional” media caught up?

The dotcom boom heralded the end of traditional media; however 15 years later, have they caught up? Media remains an unquestionable influence on society and culture globally. With the entrance of massive new players like Huffington Post and Vice as well as numerous new channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Vine access to knowledge has never been easier, but are we getting stupider? Has user generated content flooded the market with cat videos and selfies to the point of no return? Has democratising the media industry resulted in lower quality journalism with even less accountability? How can we embrace emerging technology and channels to improve quality, awareness, and accountability for some of the world’s most important issues?

  • Medium, Platforms & new ways of communicating
  • Immersive content the impact of VR/AR
  • Transparency & the importance of credible journalism


Main title

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  • One
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Confirmed Speakers

Five stages with inspirational speakers, leaders of the industries, and top success stories from the South

Renaud Visage

Renaud Visage

Founder & CEOEventbrite

Renaud Visage is the Co-founder and CTO of leading self-service ticketing platform for events around the world Eventbrite. Eventbrite enables people all over the world to plan, promote, and sell out any live experience. Launched in 2006 and based in San Francisco, Eventbrite has raised $200M in venture capital. It employs more than 400 people on four continents, and is available in 14 countries and 7 languages. When Renaud is not writing code, he’s probably taking pictures somewhere around the world.


Phil Wickham

Phil Wickham

Founder & CEOKauffman Fellows

Phil is President and CEO of Kauffman Fellows. The mission of the organization is to develop the next generation of leaders in venture capital. Overseeing all aspects of Kauffman Fellows, Phil continues to push the program’s international expansion. He also has a special passion for venture capital’s opportunities globally in helping to meet societal needs. Phil also serves as the Managing Director of Sozo Ventures, which is a $140m cross-border venture fund that brings cutting edge technologies from Silicon Valley to Asia, backed by some of the region’s largest corporate groups.


Melih Ödemiş

Melih Ödemiş

Founder & CEOYemeksepeti

Melih is one of the pioneer internet entrepreneurs in Turkey. Founder of; online food delivery servicing 50k orders per day. Yemeksepeti sold to Delivery Hero in March 2015 for $600m producing Turkey’s largest internet exit to date. Melih has been selected as an Endeavor Entrepreneur in 2007. He also is an active angel investor in internet and technology companies. He is one of the co-founders of Galata Business Angels, which is one of the first business angel networks in Turkey.


Yanki Margalit

Yanki Margalit

Founder & CEOAladdin Knowledge Systems

Yanki Margalit is an Israeli entrepreneur, Founder of Aladdin Knowledge Systems, a digital rights management and Internet security company which was acquired by Safenet in 2009. He is currently Chairman of SpaceIL, a non-profit space technology organization competing for the Google Lunar X Prize. He is also a partner in Innodo, a seed investment fund.


See all the Speakers and Investors

About the Event

South Summit is one of the leading startup conferences in Europe aimed to prove to the world the talent, the innovation and the opportunities from the South.

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Global Partners

Digital HUB Partner

Fashion Track Co-Organizer

Industry Track Partners

Innovation and Institutions