Startup Competition

Don't miss this opportunity!

We are looking for the 100 most disrupting Startups from any industry from The South of Europe, Mediterranean and Latin America, to prove to the world how bright the South is.

Apply here

The selected Startups will have access to the Startup Package, which includes:

  • Pitch to top-tier international investors, media and leading corporations
  • 3 free tickets for The South Summit
  • Access to a demo-booth at a discount price
  • One on one meetings and matchmaking service with investors and big corporations
  • Fund book: Access to our fund book with first hand information about the investors attending the event
  • Corp book: Access to our corporate book with first hand information about the corporates attending the event
  • Training program during the month of September (pitch training, fundraising…)


Early Stage

  • Early state projects (0-3 years)
  • Full time committed team
  • Innovative and scalable product
  • Beta tested product and pilot customer
  • Already recieved a first funding round (seed, 3fs, public funds or accelerators)
  • Looking for a Series A round between €500k-€1.5m approx

Growth Stage

  • Consolidated projects (+3 years)
  • Full time committed team
  • Innovative and scalable product
  • With reference customers and/or a significant number of users already using the product/service
  • Tested business model. Already generating revenue
  • Looking for international expansion
  • Already recieved a Seed or Series A round
  • Looking for a Series B round
  • Looking for a Series B round
  • Looking for a Series B round
  • Looking for a Series B round
  • Looking for a Series B round
  • Looking for a Series B round
  • Looking for a Series B round
  • Looking for a Series B round
  • Looking for a Series B round
  • Looking for a Series B round
  • Looking for a Series B round
  • Looking for a Series B round

Selection process

Facts & Figures 2015

+1.800Startup registered 100Finalist from 15 countries from the south 85Booths at the startup village 150Jury members

Four winners

Imagga Tech for Big Players
Plactherm Industrial Revolution 2.0
sBiomedic Healthcare & Biotech
Habitissimo Digital solution for mass markets